Seven Tips for the Transition Back to School From Winter Break
For so many teachers and students, returning after winter break can feel like the first day of school all over again. The routines, rules, and procedures that were once so familiar are now a distant memory, and it takes a conscious effort to get back into rhythm with them. For this reason, facilitating a smooth transition back into the classroom from winter break requires deliberate planning. Here are seven simple, actionable ways teachers can make this transition a positive one.
Navigating the New Normal of AI in Our Schools
Despite the potential benefits, we must proceed with caution. AI is not a magic wand but a rapidly evolving field. Early adoption without a clear understanding of its capabilities and limitations can lead to missteps. Schools should be wary of the allure of new technologies and focus on understanding AI's potential to address specific educational needs.
Moving from Note-Taking to Note-Making
Note-making is an active learning strategy that encourages students to engage with the content on a deeper level. It involves analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the information being learned. This process empowers students to construct their understanding by making the learning experience more meaningful and personal.