A key component of effective design is ensuring equity.  We want to be sure all of our students have an equal opportunity to succeed.  By using a variety of teaching methods, we can help remove barriers to learning and build in the flexibility to adjust for each student's unique strengths and needs. 

Building teacher clarity regarding Accessibility and Inclusion offers the opportunity to considerably accelerate and improve learning for all students. Considering learner variability at the outset of instructional design can enhance a teacher’s ability to proactively recognize and remove barriers present in the learning environment. Take a moment to watch the video (2:08) above to learn more about Theme 4: Accessibility & Inclusion.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • reflect on your own practice using the Accessibility and Inclusion cards.

  • identify predictable barriers in your classrooms and design around them.

  • design and implement strategies to present content in ways that support students’ success.

Module 4 To do list:

In order to successfully complete Module 4: Accessibility and Inclusion, you will learn, apply, and reflect on the following strategies:

  • UDL Principles and Guidelines

  • Accessible Digital Materials and Technologies

  • POUR Principles

The essential question for this module

How can we ensure that our course design and lesson content are accessible to all students?